

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

How To Export Blog on Blogger

Exporting a blog is an activity to download or download all the posts or articles on a blog. All the post or article will be stored in one file or file-extention air. Xml. The file name is usually created in accordance with the time when the blog is exported. For example, when we export a blog on 10 April 2011, then the file name that is formed is a blog-04-10-2011. This time according to the time at which the Blogger server is located. This file will be stored on computer hard disk used to store the folder where the downloaded file.

Export activities of this blog do when we want to move or to include some or all of the blog articles are published on the blog one to another. Well, if you want to export blogs on Blogger, here's how to do it.

     1.Log into your Blogger account.
     2.Click the Settings menu.
     3.Select the Basic tab, then click the Export Blog Tools blog.
     4.Click the DOWNLOAD BLOG.

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