

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

how to make the copyright symbol

There are several ways you can do to make the copyright symbol (©), registered (®) and trademarks (™). To make the three symbols in a posting on Blogger, you can type a specific code on the position of the Edit HTML. Code-the code can be seen in the table below.

HTML code/ symbol for Results

©           copyright         ©
®           registered®
™          trademark

In addition to HTML code, we can also make a third logo by using the Alt key on the keyboard. The trick, press and hold down the Alt key and type the numbers / codes in numerical keypad. After that release the Alt key. Here's the code / number that is used to make the third symbol / logo above.

Code / Number       Symbol / Logo
       0174                             ®

For symbols or other characters that can be made using the Alt key, please see here. When we typed in Microsoft Word program, we can use three specific keys on the keyboard to make the third symbol. What buttons are they? Please see the table below.

Button                   Symbol /  Logo
Ctrl + Alt + C              ©
Ctrl + Alt + R              ®
Ctrl + Alt + T            

2 komentar:

  1. apa apan inih!! gaya lo bang kayak orang abiws maem roti!:D

  2. ane kira yg coment siapa bang, ternyata ente
    knpa bang ttg artikel saya??
    what your problem??


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